Silk ‘N Blood (Season 16) – Archives

Episodes 361 to 384 of the “Silk ‘N Blood” series are categorized as Season Sixteen. The Season 16 episodes released to date are listed below and on the “Now Playing” and “Coming Attractions” Pages.
Episode Title
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Episode Details
Price and Logo
Starring Sultry SUZI and Vivacious VELVETS
Suzi finds a woman hiding in her apartment (Velvets) who is fleeing from a stalker. Suzi befriends her and lets her stay the night, but soon suspects that she isn't who she appears to be.
Once Velvets finds out that Suzi has discovered her secret, she has no choice other than to wrap a ligature around Suzi neck and strangle her to death!
Very hot girl-on-girl action and very hot death scene from our Sultry Suzi!
This one is not to be missed!
Dr. Horne's Cause of Death Determination
Starring Precious PETRA and Sultry SUZI!
Suzi and Petra are chloroformed in separate locations and taken to a lonely house where they awaken tied to chairs. Their captor explains that he loves to kill beautiful women. Because Suzi is mouthing off, he decides to strangle her first with a white nylon. Suzi struggles wildly and erotically as Petra watches her being viciously strangled to death. After the man disposes of Suzi's body, Petra tries to bargain her way out of her predicament. She offers to let the man make love to her or do anything he wants with her. She agrees not to resist or flee. So, he unties her, and pulls down the top of her negligee to reveal her stupendous breasts, but instead of screwing her, he seizes her by the throat and slowly strangles the beautiful blonde to death. He eventually forces her onto the floor where he finishes her off!
Two very erotic death scenes played out by our two sexiest actresses for your enjoyment! Don't miss this instant classic!
Dr. Horne's Cause of Death Determination
Both Strangled!
Starring Sultry SUZI
Suzi plays a vindictive wife, who threatens to divorce her abusive husband and take half of his assets and income. He reacts by backing her into a corner and winding a drapery cord around her neck.He then proceeds to strangle her with all of his strength, actually pulling her off the floor momentarily as her legs kick empty air. He strangles her into near unconsciousness, then sweeps her into a cradle carry and deposits her on a chair. As she starts to recover, he decides to make her death look like a failed burglary attempt. He grabs a nearby electrical cord, winds it around her neck and pulls it tight, forcing her back to consciousness. Suzi writhes and struggles wildly in the chair but cannot escape her fate. Slowly... surely... he viciously strangles her to death!
Another erotic death scene from our sultry blonde babe!
Dr. Horne's Cause of Death Determination
Starring Precious PETRA and Sultry SUZI!
Suzi and Petra are attacked individually by a killer who seems to enjoy shooting them repeatedly and making them suffer. Then, he removes their expensive jewelery from their sexy, dead bodies.
Firstly, he attacks Suzi. When she opens her apartment door to leave, he forces her back into her apartment, ignores her pleas, and takes his time firing one slug after another into her hot body.
Next, it is Petra's turn. When she is getting dressed up to go out, the killer breaks into her apartment. She tries to make it to the phone, but he stops her. Once again, her pleas fall on deaf ears as he shoots her repeatedly, and enjoys the show as she writhes erotically on the bed before finally expiring.
Both of the girls make very sexy victims and perform very erotic death scenes for your enjoyment!
Because these two killings are only connected because the women are victims of the same killer, the two scenarios are available either individually or in a 2-in-1 package. The best deal is certainly the 2-in-1 package featured here for only $15.99. If you buy the individual parts for $13.50 each, Part 1 (381a) features Suzi's death scene, and Part 2 (381b) features Petra's murder!
Dr. Horne's Cause of Death Determination
Both Shot
Starring Kissable KERIE and Lovely LENA!
Two beautiful women have been skimming from the mob, but they have a falling out over dividing the money. Kerie therefore decides to strangle Lena and take it all. After she finishes Lena in a long, erotic strangle, their mob boss breaks in. He's been listening through a bug that he planted in their apartment, knows what Kerie did, and decides to pay her back by strangling her to death. Another sexy strangle, including hand strangling her into unconsciousness, then wrapping a nylon around her neck and finishing her when she awakens with a vicious garrote death!
Two sexy babe deaths in this awesome video!
Dr. Horne's Cause of Death Determination
Both Strangled!
Starring Sultry SUZI and Vivacious VELVETS
Two hot female assassins are ready to graduate, but their instructor tells them that there is one ultimate test before advancing to Assassin Prime. He places a gun on the table between them and tells them to "kill the other"!
Velvets scoops up the gun first, and as Suzi lunges across the table, Velvets blasts her in the breast. Suzi drops to the table in pain.
The instructor tells Velvets to finish her, so she seizes her by the back of the neck, pulls her up, and drives two more slugs into her chest.
Suzi continues to writhe, and Velvets fires another slug into her back, hastening her demise.
Once, she's dead, the instructor hauls her body off the table, dumps her into a chair, and Velvets checks her pulse to confirm the kill!
Another great Suzi shooting video!
Dr. Horne's Cause of Death Determination
Starring Precious PETRA and Vivacious VELVETS!
Petra sees a woman being murdered in the alley, so she calls the police, but a dirty cop comes to interview her. Realizing that she can identify the killer, who he works for, he first comes on to her, loosening her silken robe to reveal her sexy, low cut negligee beneath. Then, he pulls the robe's belt free, wraps it around her lovely neck, and her strangles her to death to keep her quiet. During the struggle, we get a nice view of her exposed nipples. Once she's dead, and before he can leave, Petra's roommate, Velvets, arrives. The detective is forced to attack her too and strangle her to death with his bare hands.
Two sexy babe deaths in this suspenseful video!
Dr. Horne's Cause of Death Determination
Both Strangled!
Starring Sultry SUZI
Suzi is a government assassin code-named Sultry who takes out terrorists, but she is tracked down to her suburban home and systematically cornered and terminated.
Firstly, she is shot in the back through a window with a sniper rifle. She crawls upstairs to arm herself with a machine gun. Then, a female assassin (Velvets) kicks in her door and forces her into a bathroom. The two girls exchange fire in a wild shootout. Then, Velvets gives the sniper directions and he nails Suzi several times through an upstairs window.
Velvets makes sure she's dead before fleeing the scene!
Another sexy shooting death for Sultry Suzi!
Dr. Horne's Cause of Death Determination
Starring Sultry SUZI and Vivacious VELVETS
Velvets is Suzi's understudy, and decides that the only way that she'll become a star is to get rid of Suzi. So, she attacks Suzi in her dressing room, pulls a nylon across her neck from behind, and strangles her to death!
Suzi makes an absolutely gorgeous victim dressed in that sexy, short aqua blue negligee!
Great girl-in-girl action in this strangle video!
Dr. Horne's Cause of Death Determination
Starring Precious PETRA
Petra plays a sexy mistress who is attacked by her lover's wife (Meredith). After punching and kicking Petra, Meredith starts strangling her, then hauls her over to the full Jacuzzi and dunks her head in, threatening to drown her. Petra struggles wildly and after a few dunks, Meredith decides to strangle her once again to finish her off.
Another sexy outing by Petra as she dies beautifully in a short, sassy negligee!
Don't miss this latest Petra masterpiece.
Dr. Horne's Cause of Death Determination
Dunked and strangled