Vivacious Vigilantes (Season 2)

This Page features the Death versions of Season 2 of our Superheroine Videos!
(Non-Death or Peril versions are marketed under the “Sexy Superheroines” banner, formerly “Sultry Superheroines”, at our “Silk ‘N Blood” store, and are referred to when relevant. The episode numbering on this page follows the Vivacious Vigilantes’ numbering except when it specifically refers to the Sexy Superheroines’ numbering.)

Episodes 25 to 51 (Season 2) are listed below.

Episode Title
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Vivacious Vigilantes
Episode 51: "Blackbird 3: Victory Cry"
Starring Cara Swift, Danica Thrall, Yvonne, Mink, Krystal Red, Ella Arcana, & Anastasiya Breadson!
This is both a sexy Blackbird episode as well as the climax to the season long "Dark Wondra Saga" storyline! Loads of heroines in this one, featuring 6 death scene in the Extreme version! This video features a sexy battle between Blackbird and two Gatekeepers... but the Gatekeepers kill Blackbird (in the Extreme version), Master Mace and his associate kill 5 more heroines. That's right! Supernova is killed with Novanite bullets, Darkwing is blasted with a particle beam, Catwarrior and Seer are machine-gunned, and Dark Wondra has her neck snapped! 6 babe deaths in this one! It's a blockbuster! Don't miss it! The "Vivacious Vigilantes" Extreme (Death) version of this video is about 8 minutes (without the closing credits) and the "Sexy Superheroines" Peril version is about 7 minutes running time without the closing credits.
Check out the Trailer!

Dr. Horne's Cause of Death Determination
3 shot, 1 blasted, 1 neck snapped and 1 strangled!
Available for only $25.50
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Vivacious Vigilantes
Episode 50: "Darkwing 13: Climax of Evil"
Starring Yvonne!
Another re-match... this time between Darkwing and Master Mace! Can our heroine survive and overcome this arch villain, or will he once again defeat and kill her? Yvonne takes quite a beating. In the Extreme/Death version, after she is broken, she is unmasked, stripped topless, and stabbed in the chest! (In the Peril version, Sexy Superheroines #57, her fellow heroines arrive just in time! In both versions, there are also cameos from our other Dark Wondra Saga heroines! The "Vivacious Vigilantes" Extreme (Death) version of this video is about 8 minutes (without the closing credits) and the "Sexy Superheroines" Peril version is about 7 minutes running time without the closing credits.
Check out the Trailer!

Dr. Horne's Cause of Death Determination
Available for only $25.50
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Vivacious Vigilantes
Episode 49: "Catwarrior 6: Catfight"
Starring Mink and Anastasiya Breadson!
It's a re-match between Catwarrior and Agent August with no one to interfere, i.e. a cage match like the previous Supernova-Dark Wondra battle. Two gorgeous and sexy babes go at each other in no-holds-barred fashion! In the Extreme/Death version, Agent August is strangled to death. In the Peril (Sexy Superheroines #56) version, Catwarrior wins by knock out of Agent August. During the fight, these two babes trade blows, and Agent August comes very close to garotting Catwarrior. Very cool catfight! Don't miss it! In both versions, there are also cameos from our other Dark Wondra Saga heroines! The "Vivacious Vigilantes" Extreme (Death) version of this video is 8 minutes (without the closing credits) and the "Sexy Superheroines" Peril version is about 8 minutes running time without the closing credits.
Check out the Trailer!

Dr. Horne's Cause of Death Determination
Available for only $25.50
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Vivacious Vigilantes
Episode 48: "Supernova 10: Banish the Darkness"
Starring Danica Thrall and Krystal Red!
This is the re-match that you've been waiting for... a fight to the finish between Supernova and Dark Wondra! Dark Wondra wins in the Extreme version, by hand strangling Supernova until she is too weak to fight back, then snapping her neck! In the Peril (Sexy Superheroines #55) version, Supernova wins by knock out. During this awesome F vs. F. fight, the girls trade face hits, belly blows, kicks, low blows and karate chops. Dark Wondra also chokes Supernova with her own cape. It doesn't get any better than this... two gorgeous babes taking on one another until one is dead... or knocked out! Don't miss this one! In both versions, there are also cameos from Darkwing, Blackbird, Catwarrior, Agent August and Seer! The "Vivacious Vigilantes" Extreme (Death) version of this video is 9.25 minutes (without the closing credits) and the "Sexy Superheroines" Peril version is about 9 minutes running time without the closing credits.
Check out the Trailer!

Dr. Horne's Cause of Death Determination
Strangled and neck snapped!
Available for only $25.50
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Vivacious Vigilantes
Episode 47: "Darkwing 12: Allies and Enemies"
Starring Yvonne, Danica Thrall, Krystal Red, Anastasiya Breadson & Mink!
5 major heroines (7 in the Peril version), but the highlight of the Extreme version is Darkwing becoming mind-controlled by Master Mace. She is ordered to kill Agent August, Supernova, and then herself. She first activates Supernova's restraints, zapping her with Novanite laced electricity. Then, she turns on Agent August, beating her decisively before shooting her to death. Next, she blasts Supernova with a disintegrator ray until she also dies. Finally, Darkwing turns the gun on herself and commits suicide. Three heroine deaths in this action-packed episode. In the Peril (Sexy Superheroines #54) version, Seer and Blackbird come to the rescue just in time to avoid a bloodbath! The "Vivacious Vigilantes" Extreme (Death) version of this video is 12 minutes (without the closing credits) and the "Sexy Superheroines" Peril version is about 12.5 minutes running time without the closing credits.
Check out the Trailer!

Dr. Horne's Cause of Death Determination
1 electrocuted, 1 shot and 1 shoots herself!
Available for only $25.50
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Vivacious Vigilantes
Episode 46: "Supernova 9: In Custody"
Starring Danica Thrall, Yvonne, Krystal Red, Anastasiya Breadson & Mink
Three top superheroines are captured by Agent August and WHIPLASH, but Catwarrior comes to their rescue... or does she? She takes down Agent August with a vicious beating, followed by three arrows in the chest (in the Extreme version), but is it to save the trapped heroines, or for a more sinister purpose? This episode takes us further towards the ultimate climax to The Dark Wondra Saga! In the Extreme (Vivacious Vigilantes) version, Agent August is killed with three arrows embedded in her chest. In the Peril (Sexy Superheroines #53) version, Catwarrior hands over the captured heroines to her mysterious leader! The "Vivacious Vigilantes" Extreme (Death) version of this video is 13.50 minutes (without the closing credits) and the "Sexy Superheroines" Peril version is about 13 minutes running time without the closing credits.
Check out the Trailer!

Dr. Horne's Cause of Death Determination
Available for only $25.50
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Vivacious Vigilantes
Episode 45: "Darkwing 11: Dark on Dark"
Starring Yvonne, Danica Thrall!, Krystal Red, Anastasiya Breadson, Cara Swift & Ella Arcana!
This one has it all! Darkwing comes to Supernova's rescue and takes on Dark Wondra, employing an exoskeleton to match her blow for blow, but then Agent August arrives with her W.H.I.P.L.A.S.H. strike force and takes all three of them down. There is also a fight between Seer and DeadKill! Another blockbuster video! In the Extreme (Vivacious Vigilantes) version, Supernova and Darkwing are killed with particle blasters, while Dark Wondra is shot multiple times. Seer is tasered to death! In the Peril (Sexy Superheroines #52) version, Darkwing, Supernova and Dark Wondra are rendered unconscious by the particle beams, but Supernova recovers consciousness and is chloroformed back into unconsciousness! DeadKill (Blackbird) is shocked into unconsciousness too!
Check out the Trailer!

Dr. Horne's Cause of Death Determination
2 killed with particle blasters, 1 shot and 1 tasered to death!
Available for only $25.50
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Vivacious Vigilantes
Episode 44: "Supernova 8: Dark Warrior"
Starring Danica Thrall, Krystal Red and Cara Swift!
The storyline of this episode picks up where the Peril version ended in Blackbird #2, and completes her origin, the origin story ending with her shooting death! Then, Supernova clashes with Dark Wondra for the rest of the video. Supernova and Dark Wondra go toe to toe, no holds barred, in a see saw battle that Dark Wondra ends up eventually winning. The Blackbird segement and Supernova/Dark Wondra segment are each about 8.5 minutes in length making for a blockbuster 17 minute video (not counting closing credits)! In both the Extreme (Vivacious Vigilantes) version and the Peril (Sexy Superheroines #51) version, Blackbird is shot to death! In the Extreme version, Supernova is strangled until her neck breaks, but she is only defeated in the Peril version.
Check out the Trailer!

Dr. Horne's Cause of Death Determination
One Shot, One Strangled until neck breaks!
Available for only $25.50
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Vivacious Vigilantes
Episode 43: "Blackbird 2: Muffled Cry"
starring Cara Swift!
The storyline of this episode picks up where the Peril version ended in Blackbird #1, as Blackbird is being tasered! What will happen next? Well, in the Extreme version, the Red Ribbon Strangler once more ends Blackbird's life, but this time it's... well, what would you expect from R.R.S.? It's a long fatal strangle! Once again, Blackbird is on the losing end of her re-match with RRS, but eventually he takes control again, renders her topless, and strangles her so hard that her tongue is forced out of her mouth. Another erotic death scene as acted out by one of the sexiest Bluestone heroines ever! In the Extreme (Vivacious Vigilantes) version, Blackbird is strangled to death! In the Peril (Sexy Superheroines #50) version, Blackbird survives the episode, but is chloroformed into unconsciousness!
Check out the Trailer!

Dr. Horne's Cause of Death Determination
Available for only $25.50
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Vivacious Vigilantes
Episode 42: "Blackbird 1: Cry of Vengeance"
Starring Cara Swift!
In this episode, Blackbird is introduced as the sister of the fallen Dark Canary! She has vocal powers and is a fully trained fighter. She takes on the Red Ribbon Strangler, and almost beats him until he gets the upper hand. Then, he punishes her physically, strangles her, then shocks her with a taser until the top of her costume vibrates from her body. Once she's topless and at his mercy, he places the taser against her head and short-circuits her brain. Then, he cracks her neck for good measure! A beautiful and brutal death for this gorgeous babe in the Extreme version! In the Peril version, she survives, but is still at his mercy as the episode concludes! In the Extreme (Vivacious Vigilantes) version, Blackbird is strangled and tasered to death! In the Peril (Sexy Superheroines #49) version, Blackbird survives the episode, but suffers a non-fatal strangle and tasering! The "Vivacious Vigilantes" Extreme (Death) version of this video is 15 minutes (without the closing credits) and the "Sexy Superheroines" Peril version is about 13.5 minutes running time without the closing credits.
Check out the Trailer!

Dr. Horne's Cause of Death Determination
Strangled and tasered to death!
Available for only $25.50
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