Silk ‘N Blood (Season 12) – Archives
Episodes 265 to 288 of the “Silk ‘N Blood” series are categorized as Season Twelve. All of the Season 12 episodes are listed below:
Episode Title
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Episode Details
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Starring Tantalizing TINA and Kissable KERIE!
A hitman kills a photographer in the middle of a photoshoot, and decides to eliminate the two models (Tina and Kerie) too! They strip to try to convince him to spare them, but he blows them both away anyway.
Don't miss this double babe killing!
There's also instant and slow-motion replays!
Dr. Horne's Cause of Death Determination
Both Shot
Starring Sultry SUZI and Vivacious VELVETS
Suzi plays a hitwoman who masquerades as a door to door saleslady to gain entrance to Velvets' apartment. Once inside, she blows her away with four well-placed silenced rounds! Then, Suzi's stone cold killer character is lured to the window by her handler where she is shot in the chest! Two babe deaths in this sexy video which was filmed when both Suzi and Velvets were in their prime. There's also instant and slow-motion replays!
Dr. Horne's Cause of Death Determination
Both Shot
Starring Precious PETRA and Sultry SUZI!
Petra and Suzi are individually targeted by a serial strangler. First, he surprises Petra from behind and pulls a silk nylon across her throat, but during the ensuing struggle, she elbows him and tries to scramble across the bed. He grabs her ankle, pulls her back, then straddles her. Using all of his strength, he strangles her, eventually snapping her neck to finish her. Soon after, Suzi enters their apartment and is admiring herself in the hall closet mirror when the the closet door is pulled open and the killer lunges out at her, seizing her by the neck. He drives her back against a wall and strangles her. As she weakens, she slides down to the floor, but he continues to throttle her until she's dead! Both of the death scenes are uncut, capturing the realistic feel for the deaths of these two beautiful blondes!
Two awesome babe deaths in this fantastic video! Don't miss it!
Dr. Horne's Cause of Death Determination
Both Strangled!
Starring Precious PETRA, Sultry SUZI,
Marvelous MEREDITH, Kissable KERIE
and Lovely LENA!
"Ghost Assassin" features lots of sexy babe shooting deaths. In all, 5 gorgeous women are shot to death, all graduates of the infamous Black Widow Assassin Academy! This video can be bought in the recommended full version, or in Parts 1 and 2. Part 1 features the deaths of Petra, Suzi and Meredith in an awesome shoot out! Part 2 pits Kerie against Lena, and both end up dead in the end. Don't miss this awesome shooting video!
As usual, there are instant and slow-motion replays of the shootings themselves!
Marvelous MEREDITH, Kissable KERIE
and Lovely LENA!
Only $25.00 for the full version or $14.99 and 13.99 for each of 2 Parts!
Dr. Horne's Cause of Death Determination
All 5 shot!
Starring Kissable KERIE
Kerie is seeing a married man when she finds herself targeted by a killer... a female killer (Meredith)! Meredith blows multiple slugs into Kerie's heaving chest!
Lots of sexy suspense delivered in the usual Bluestone manner!
Dr. Horne's Cause of Death Determination
Starring Sultry SUZI
Suzi decides to end her association with a criminal, but he decides instead to slice her up with a belly stab followed by over a dozen stabs to her spectacular chest. Before he's done, her beautiful breast runs red with blood! Talk about overkill!
Suzi is brutally murdered to keep her from talking!
Dr. Horne's Cause of Death Determination
Starring Precious PETRA and Sultry SUZI!
Petra and Suzi are rivals in the glamour model world, and Petra has had enough. So, Petra confronts Suzi, then pulls a gun and shoots her to death. Suzi's manager arrives on the scene and subdues Petra, then blows her away the same as she had done with Suzi!
Two beautiful babe shootings in this video!
Dr. Horne's Cause of Death Determination
Both Shot
Starring Kissable KERIE and Lovely LENA!
G.W., the murderous handyman, returns to terrorize a heavenly vacation resort. First, he barges into the suite of a couple of bikini-clad babes using the subterfuge of a plumbing failure to gain access. Then, while Kerie soaks in the Jacuzzi, he strangles beautiful Lena to death, including a vicious throat lift during the strangle. Next, he surprises Kerie in the bath. He strangles her while dunking her several times. When he's knocked the fight out of her, he plunges her underwater and holds her there until she expires.
Two sexy babe deaths in this video, one of which is in the nude!
Dr. Horne's Cause of Death Determination
1 strangled, 1 choked and drowned!
Starring Marvelous MEREDITH and Mischievous MELINA!
Meredith owes money to the mob as a result of her drug habit. When she doesn't pay up, an enforcer arrives at the apartment that she shares with Melina and makes her pay her debt with her life. After killing Meredith, the enforcer hears Melina splashing in the bathtub. He enters the bathroom, pulls the shower curtain aside, and surprises Melina with two bullets in the chest. He finishes her with a headshot, but only after enjoying her shocked reactions for a while.
Two sexy babe deaths in this video, with one of the victims being nude during the kill.
There are also instant and slow-motion replays of the shootings!
Dr. Horne's Cause of Death Determination
Both Shot
Starring Precious PETRA
Petra arrives home, disrobes, and settles in bed to watch TV, but a killer has rigged a crossbow to fire at her just after midnight. Petra takes an arrow between her stupendous breasts, and writhes in agony, desperately trying to call for help before the fatal wound takes its full toll on her. Another erotic performance by our blonde goddess! Don't miss it!
Dr. Horne's Cause of Death Determination
Shot with arrow!