Silk ‘N Blood (Season 21) – Archives

Episodes 481 to 504 of the “Silk ‘N Blood” series are categorized as Season Twenty-One. The Season 21 episodes released to date are listed below and on the “Now Playing” or “Coming Attractions” Pages.

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Silk 'N Blood
Episode 504 - The Iceman Attacketh
Starring Precious PETRA, Kissable KERIE
and Lovely LENA!
Three beautiful women, Petra, Kerie and Lena, are attacked one at a time by the Iceman, a killer who sprays his victims' throats with a freezing compound and watches as they slowly die of asphyxiation! His first victim is Lena, who he sneaks up on from behind. She swivels her chair around just in time to receive a spray of freezing compound on her throat. Lena then struggles to survive as the chemicals slowly tighten up the muscles in her throat, slowly strangling her to death. Once she's dead, her killer removes his glove and slips his hand under the skirt of her dress to caress her lovely thighs. Next, he approaches Kerie, who is reclining on a couch. Grabbing her under the chin, he holds her struggling form in place while applying the freezing spray to her neck. As with Lena, she goes into panic mode as the compound slowly closes off her airway. Once she asphyxiates, her killer once again fondles her shapely thighs. Petra is the final victim and the only one who sees her killer before her throat is frozen. She is topless, getting ready for a shower, when she discovers Kerie's dead body. She backs away, and then the killer attacks, not with his freezing spray, but with his fists, pounding the beautiful blonde twice in the face to drop her to the bed. Then, he climbs onto the bed after her and sprays her with the deadly freezing compound. Petra tries desperately to escape her fate, but slowly, inexorably she succumbs to cruel asphyxiation as did her roommates before her. Each of the victims is dressed in sexy fashion and die in a truly erotic manner. Lots of eye candy in this triple babe death scenario!Tagged
Dr. Horne's Cause of Death Determination
Asphyxiated when throat frozen
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Silk 'N Blood
Episode 503 - Playthings
Starring Kissable KERIE and Tantalizing TINA!
A man chloroforms two beautiful women as each of them arrive home to the apartment that they share. They each struggle wildly before passing out. Then, he binds both of them to straight back chairs and waits for them to recover consciousness. Kerie awakens first and calls out to Tina to try to wake her, but then their captor enters the room and starts fondling her lovely legs. When she asks why he's doing this, he answers that he wants to enjoy them as his playthings. She assumes that he plans to rape them, but then he pulls a nylon out of his pocket and strangles her from behind as she kicks and struggles frantically. He does not let up until she's dead. Then, he moves behind Tina's chair and waits for her to awaken. When Tina regains consciousness, she is shocked to see Kerie's dead body, but she is even more shocked as a nylon is pulled across her throat from behind. Like Kerie before her, Tina struggles wildly, but cannot break free of her bonds and is slowly strangled to death. Two gorgeous women are strangled for your enjoyment in this double murder scenario!Tagged
Dr. Horne's Cause of Death Determination
Both Strangled!
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Silk 'N Blood
Episode 502 - Shadow of the Executioner
Starring Marvelous MEREDITH!
The Executioner returns, using the same M.O. as in previous Executioner episodes. This time his victim is Meredith! First, he secrets his electrocution device under the cushion of an upholstered chair in the victim's living room as she sleeps in her bedroom dressed in short, sexy negligee. She is awakened by the phone, and answers it in the living room, seating herself in the lethal chair. As with the other victims, the Executioner tells her why she is being targeted, then he activates the killing device remotely and Meredith jerks into frenzied action as her lower body is engulfed in waves of live electricity. Her body is jolted with electricity for many long minutes, even after she finally dies from the lethal current. Lots of sexy action in this fry 'till to die scenario!Tagged
Dr. Horne's Cause of Death Determination
Available for only $13.50
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Silk 'N Blood
Episode 501 - The Information Age
Starring Precious PETRA
Petra plays a rogue Russian agent who has stolen espionage secrets worth millions, but before she can sell them, Milena breaks into her apartment and tosses a gas grenade. Petra fights to stay conscious, but succumbs to the gas. She wakes up tied to a chair with a silenced gun muzzle pressed against her temple instructing her not to cry out. It is held by a mystery woman who starts to interrogate her about how she stole the secrets. She pounds Petra in the face and belly several times, then presses a taser up her skirt, shocking her violently as she bounces wildly in the chair. Next, she reveals that the Russian agent who Petra killed to obtain the stolen secrets was her lover. Intent on getting vengeance against her lover's killer, Milena pulls down the top of Petra's dress to reveal her naked breasts, then forces a knife blade into her between those stupendous breasts while Petra writhes in pain. Petra is mortally wounded, but that is not enough for Milena. Next, she places the tip of the blade under Petra's chin and slowly drives the long blade up into Petra's brain, killing her horribly. Petra dies topless and bloody, still bound to the chair, her beautiful eyes staring blindly into space!Tagged
Dr. Horne's Cause of Death Determination
Available for only $13.50
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Silk 'N Blood
Episode 500 - Break-In
Starring Kissable KERIE with Lovely LENA!
Kerie arrives home, but prior to her arrival, we see a burglar (as played by Lena) checking out her jewellery. When Kerie enters her apartment, Lena hides in the bedroom closet. Kerie then enters the bedroom and begins to strip. When she's stripped to bra and miniskirt, she opens the closet door, and Lena lashes out at her with several face and belly blows, until she has Kerie just where she wants her. Then, Lena wraps a nylon around Kerie's neck and begins to strangle the half-dressed beauty from behind. It is a long, sexy strangle. As Kerie weakens, Lena pulls her down to her knees, then lies her flat on the floor and finishes her off with a hand strangle. Once Kerie is dead, Lena removes the jewellery from her still warm body, gathers up the rest of her loot, and leaves. Great girl-on-girl action!Tagged
Dr. Horne's Cause of Death Determination
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Silk 'N Blood
Episode 499 - Deported
Starring Lovely LENA with Kissable KERIE!
Kerie runs an underhanded immigration agency which brings immigrants into the country illegally then forces them to pay exorbitant fees to stay in the country. Lena plays one of Kerie's immigrants who is being deported, and threatens to expose Kerie's operation unless she fights the deportation. Kerie decides to shut her up instead... permanently. She pounds her in the face, knocking her down, and starts to strangle Lena. Lena struggles and manages to break free, and the beautiful women trade some more blows until Kerie drops Lena again. This time, she doesn't let up until the sexy Columbian is quite dead! There's quite a leg show while Lena is struggling to free herself, with lots of sexy upskirt views! Long legged Lena puts on quite a show as she is slowly, but surely, strangled to death by Kerie! Great girl-on-girl action!Tagged
Dr. Horne's Cause of Death Determination
Available for only $13.50
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Silk 'N Blood
Episode 497 - Inside Job
Starring Sultry SUZI
Suzi arrives home and starts to fill her Jacuzzi. Then she strips to bra and panties and works on her laptop while the tub fills. Suddenly, a man clamps his hand over her mouth and presses a silenced gun against her head. He threatens to kill her if she screams, then removes his hand, and she pleads with him for mercy. He is an enforcer from a casino, and she helped to skim the day's profits. He chokes her until she becomes compliant, then she gives him all of the information on the others involved and the location of the loot. Having the information that he needs, he knocks her out with the gun's grip, and hauls her into the Jacuzzi. As she revives, he starts to dunk her head into the water, holding her under, then pulling her head out of the water and viciously strangling her. It is a long, sexy killing, half drowning her and half strangling her until she can survive the abuse no longer. Finally, she dies with eyes closed. Another very sexy death scene for our Sultry Suzi!Tagged
Dr. Horne's Cause of Death Determination
Drowned and strangled
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Silk 'N Blood
Episode 498 - Weapon of Choice
Starring Juicy Jessica
Jessica hires a hitman to eliminate a target, and his weapon of choice is a crossbow. He asks why she wants the target whacked, and she reveals a little too much. She had seduced and man and stolen his laptop, then realized that he had hacked secrets on the laptop worth millions. She wants to kill him before he can find her, kill her, and retrieve the laptop. The hitman loads the crossbow, then explains to Jessica that his plans have changed. He has decided to kill her instead and take the laptop for himself. She backs away in fear, pleading with him, but he fires, driving a shaft into her cleavage. Then, he watches the sexy woman writhe in pain and eventually die from the deadly arrow. Another sexy death from the ever lovely Jessica!Tagged
Dr. Horne's Cause of Death Determination
Available for only $13.50
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Silk 'N Blood
Episode 496- Superstar Sheba
Starring Sultry SUZI
A sexy celebrity, Sheba (played by Sultry Suzi), is constantly insulting her manager until he finally snaps and punches her full in the face, knocking her out. While she's unconscious, realizing his career is over if she recovers, he hatches a plan. He decides to murder her and blame the crime on an outsider. So, he winds a nylon around her neck and pulls it tight, forcing her conscious as she gasps for air. Sheba struggles wildly, trying to escape her fate, her skirt riding up to give us a lovely panty view, her heels kicked off during her struggles, but she slowly weakens and finally dies from this vicious and unrelenting strangle. Great leg action! Great facial reactions! Gorgeous Suzi dies in a truly erotic manner!Tagged
Dr. Horne's Cause of Death Determination
Available for only $13.50
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Silk 'N Blood
Episode 495 -Three of Many
Starring Precious PETRA, Kissable KERIE
and Lovely LENA!
Petra, Lena and Kerie are roommates in a large house. They are all dressed in sexy clothes and discuss the popular show "1,000 Ways To Die" before going their separate ways. Kerie heads downstairs to watch the show while Lena heads into the kitchen and Petra into the upstairs bathroom. We first see Kerie's demise as she takes off her contacts, while "1,000 Ways to Die" plays in the background. Without her contacts and before she dons her glasses, she pours herself a drink, mistaking the turpentine bottle for liquor. As she drinks it, she suddenly reacts, grabbing her belly and collapsing to the floor in pain. She has just poisoned herself, and writhes in her sexy minidress until the poison takes full effect and she dies in agony. Meanwhile, Lena kis trying to cheat on her diet, finding a chocolate bar hidden away on a high cupboard shelf. She reaches for it, jumping, and landing unsteadily in her heels a few times, providing a sexy leg show in her short skirt. Unknown to her, there is a knife resting on top of the chocolate bar and as she tugs the bar free, the knife follows and embeds itself deep in her cleavage. In shock and pain, Lena grabs the hilt of the knife and sinks to the floor, where she also writhes sexily and dies with a beautiful, wide-eyed death stare. Finally, it is Petra's turn. She strips out of her clothes and runs a bath. Then, her cell phone rings. She answers and it is an old friend, so she loses track of time. There is a hair dryer plugged in and resting on the counter beside her. As the tub starts to overflow, she panics. She ends the call, knocks the hair dryer onto the floor by accident, and the overflowing water electrifies the floor beneath her. Completely naked, Petra starts shaking as the current flows into her, her substantial assets jiggling wildly as she collapses to the floor. On the floor, she still writhes as the current electrocutes her to death! Three beautiful babe deaths in this Bluestone extravaganza!Tagged
Dr. Horne's Cause of Death Determination
1 poisoned, 1 stabbed & 1 electrocuted
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