Episode 20: The Last Amazon

This is the espionage version of The Last Amazon. Ella Arcana finds herself squaring off against a government agent who suddenly transforms into a powerful Amazon warrior! There are attempts by each combatant to strangle the other, but neither is able to maintain the upper hand. Ella then pulls a gun and fires, but the bullets are deflected by the Amazon’s bracelets. She therefore resorts to a knife. Finally, after a struggle, Ella manages to stab the Amazon. Then, she doesn’t let up. A vicious stabbing and throat slice follows, until the Amazon is dead!
There is both a superheroine (Vivacious Vigilantes #23) and an espionage (Sexy Spies #20) version of this video. Further details of content are listed on the Element poster.
Finally, there is a Director’s cut version that features a larger knife!

This video is 8 minutes running time.

Check out the Trailer!

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